Chasing Belonging

Social isolation is a public health crisis that affects our society, communities and companies alike. While this crisis appears pervasive and unstoppable – the antidote is simple. The solution is to create a sense of belonging that connects people to places and experiences that ensure they get off line and meet one another in person.

In our modern era that lacks the social constructs of the past, our place of work is still a daily social outlet. It is therefore incumbent on our employers to facilitate how people connect.

This is the elusive secret to talent attraction and retention. It has nothing to do with a marketing campaign or cash incentive to move somewhere – it is the ability to recognize that everyone, everywhere is chasing the exact same thing. The companies that will win the global talent war are the ones that set up systems to ensure people feel as though they belong.

To hear the formula for creating a sense of belonging at work, watch NEWaukee CEO Angela Damiani deliver her first TEDxTalk called “Chasing Belonging”.


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